Transversal skills in Advanced Manufacturing

Transversal skills were rated highly in the industry during the 21st century and became of utmost importance since 2020. The critical role of transversal skills is also highlighted by the European Commission, which made the acquisition of skills an integral part of the industrial policy and the recovery plan for Europe. The aim of the EU policy is to create a workforce with sector specific technical skills but also with transversal skills, a combination that can provide passport to global employment. The latter is further supported by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, which defines employability as “a combination of factors, such as job-specific skills and transversal skills, which enable individuals to enter into employment, stay in employment and advance in their careers”[1].

COVID-19 has accelerated automation and digitalization and resulted in an ever-changing career environment. Workers in advanced manufacturing need a balanced combination of skills that will help them to adjust to the post COVID era. According to recent surveys, companies declare skills gaps and this discrepancy revealed a need for transversal skills shifting the job requirements from traditional working to ways of working. Employees are in need of soft skills that will enable them to adapt effectively into the new working environment.

Future workers in advanced manufacturing need to be trained not only in cutting edge technology, but also in creativity, team leading, problem solving, self-learning, adaptability and flexibility in order to be employable and provide services of high quality. DTAM’s training curriculum aims to fulfil this emergent need and provide and integrated programme with the appropriate balance of skills for advanced manufacturing workforce of today and tomorrow.

Stay tuned and learn more about DTAM project!

#DTAMproject #upskillingyourfuture #Industry40 #AdvancedManufacturing


[1] Eurofound. Skills and training. 22 April 2021. Online article. 23 April 2021. <>.

Featured image credit: Gerd Altmann | Pixabay

Specificities of the Industry 4.0 technologies in the food and beverage sector

Industry 4.0 is a powerful wave bringing lots of innovation and improvements to a great deal of economic sectors. Then how about a sector which concerns pretty much everyone – the Food & Beverage sector? What are the specificities of Industry 4.0 technology used within the Food & Beverage sector? We took this question to Mr. Antonio Cataldi, Area Manager of Siemens SCE and this is what he shared with us:

«From a technical point of view, the technologies specific to Advanced Manufacturing in the Food and beverage are the same used in other production sectors. There are no particular products, but specific solutions designed accordingly to the needs of each company».

Let’s take a wine-producing company: «The same technological product allows to follow the different stages of production: from the vineyard, to the vinification process, to the bottling. In each of these environments, data is collected – soil conditions, temperature, humidity, parasites, etc. – and thanks to this data, production is adjusted. In wine production, it is possible to calculate the reaction of a vine to the weather, control the growth of the grapes or the reactions in the winemaking process. The power of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies is that the data enabling these actions are collected in the same way, whether you are in a vineyard or in a steel factory. The tools are the same, only the environments and the sensors change».

«In short, Big Data is the goal, it is the data from which analyses are carried out and strategies are designed; the Internet of Things is the bridge, the gateway that collects data from the various worlds, while Machine Learning allows the machine to adapt to production requirements on the basis of the data. Cybersecurity, lastly, is everything that allows using these 4.0 technologies safely for the company».

One of project DTAM’s goals is to exploit Industry 4.0 technologies such as Big Data and Machine Learning to help workers and students excel in their Advanced manufacturing career.  Stay tuned to learn more about that in the coming months.

#DTAMproject #upskillingyourfuture #Industry40 #AdvancedManufacturing

Agriculture of the future

We are living in turbulent times. Humanity currently faces crucial challenges on a variety of aspects of life and on a larger scale than ever before. How we deal with these challenges and navigate the coming decades may be pivotal to the long-term survival of the human race.

One of these challenges entails the development of a form of agriculture that is balanced and sustainable in order to successfully feed a world population of an estimated 11 billion in the year 2100. Our current form of agriculture is depleting the earth and polluting our own habitat. It has never been designed with the principles of sustainability in mind, it is based on the false promise of eternal growth.

We need a new way of growing foods and one possible answer to this question is a solution called vertical farming. With the still increasing urbanization, it makes sense to see how we can maximize the production of our foods within the cities themselves. 

Two students of the new education ‘Smart Technology’ at the Da Vinci College in Dordrecht, The Netherlands, are working on a prototype for a smart operated vertical farming solution. Central to their project is the use of sensors in order to regulate the climate of the plants that are to be grown. Temperature and humidity sensors continuously log atmospheric conditions, another sensor measures air quality. Based on all these parameters ventilation is regulated by means of several fans. Watering is automated based on moisture readings from the soil and lighting is switched on and off depending on the needs of the plants. The realization of this vertical farming system is executed in phases, where each group of students extends and improves upon the work of the previous students.

The growing importance of sensors in a wide range of industries stresses the importance of proper training in the application of these sensors. The European funded project Digital Technologies in Advanced Manufacturing (DTAM) aims to create an internationally valid and applicable program in order to provide that training. By developing this training program, the goal is to prepare students for a future that will encompass more and more sensors and actuators operated based on that sensor data.

#DTAMproject #upskillingyourfuture #AdvancedManufacturing #agricultureofthefuture #Advancedsensorica

How much data do we generate

Ever wondered how much data we generate? Well, you better brace yourself, because the numbers are mind-blowing and they are probably growing as you are reading this:

👉 There are more than 208,000 people in Zoom meetings

👉 $1,000,000 are being spend online

👉 Whatsapp users share some 41,666,667 messages

👉 People make 1,388,889 video/voice calls

👉 Facebook users upload 147,000 photos

Did we mention that this is happening every single minute?

Have a look at the 2020 edition of the Data Never Sleeps 8.0 by Domo, Inc. to find out more.

Project DTAM will include #BigData in its innovative training curriculum and provide a modern learning opportunity via a dedicated #IoT hub. Follow us to take advantage of this and the rest of the interesting developments we are planning on doing.

#projectDTAM #upskillingyourfuture #erasmusplus #upskillingyourfuture #bigdata #IoT


Importance of talent development for the advanced manufacturing sector

Advanced manufacturing provides solutions and means of production for the leading sectors in the economy, thereby helping to improve their productivity and competitiveness. The industrial sectors involved in advanced manufacturing require well-prepared talent and qualified workers. Thus, the role of the training centers, both VET and universities is essential.

The markets are changing constantly and technologies are evolving extremely fast. New relevant solutions are being adopted by the industry constantly. Clear examples are the digitalization and industry 4.0 with a wide range of technology enablers that are changing the manufacturing systems and market conditions. These changes mean on the one hand introducing complexity but also improving productivity and competitiveness. Industry 4.0 and the digitalization bring new competences, skills and profiles. Industry in general has to be prepared for the changes and it is essential to maintain good educational systems in order to continue having the talent that companies require.

This is why initiatives such as #projectDTAM (Digital Transformation in Advanced Manufacturing) are very relevant. The project will provide innovative training modules in important fields as #Big Data, #Machine learning, #Sensors, #Cyber-security and #Transversal competencies. Stay tuned to learn more about that in the coming months.

#DTAMproject #upskillingyourfuture #Industry40 #AdvancedManufacturing

Featured image credit: Designed by vectorjuice / Freepik

Data Analytics Technologies

Data Analytics, better known as Big Data, is the approach that allows companies to analyse big amounts of data generated in their activity enabling to draw conclusions that affect their business. A proper use of this data may even help them to improve their business turnover. Thus, improve operational efficiency, customer user experience and allows them to improve their business models.

All data generated by companies in their activity is one of the concerns they are facing today, including manufacturing sectors. They must evaluate the relevance of this information, which of it they need to store or even which part of all these data can be monetized.

Data analysis means the translation of information into opportunities for companies to take advantage of all data generated (Schneider,B. 2017). Therefore, “Data Analytics” is also called as a translator or business generator as it allows to explore personalised solutions to carry out more customized projects.

Nowadays, information as a service is a business model that is expanding wherein increasingly more businesses are seeking to monetise the information they get.

Number of services offered by platforms related to data analytics in industrial sectors keeps growing as well as new solutions in terms of storage capacities as well and processing capacity. 

Some of the platforms that currently exist are as follows:

Interested in learning more about Big data? A key milestone of the DTAM project is the training curriculum that will focus on five key areas, one of which will be Big Data. Follow us and stay tuned to learn when the training course will be available.

#projectDTAM #upskillingyourfuture #BigData #AdvancedManufacturing #DataAnalytics

Featured image credit: Designed by pch.vector / Freepik

The evolution of Industry 4.0: Revolutionizing manufacturing processes

Industry 4.0 is a concept that provokes the interest of every modern manufacturer putting it among the most important elements of their everyday agenda. Everyone is talking about Industry 4.0 and how digital technology is changing people’s lives, but what is the real meaning behind this term? Keep reading to find out.

Industry 4.0, or also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is characterized by the use of communication and information technologies in industry. It builds on the developments of Industry 1.0 (mechanisation), Industry 2.0 (production) and Industry 3.0 (automation), and represents an integral part of manufacturing, having the power to create numerous competitive advantages, opportunities for growth and advances in factory environments.

There’s no doubt that Industry 4.0 is a game-changer and has the necessary potential to change entirely the way people work and make it more efficient. The digitalization of the manufacturing environment transforms the way how goods are created and delivered and allows more flexibility. For example, this includes machines that are able to foresee failures in a production chain and start the maintenance process which is required on their own, or autonomous logistics which respond to unexpected changes in manufacturing process.

Though the Fourth Industrial Revolution brings added value for manufacturing enterprises, many of them face difficulties in the full-scale adoption of Industry 4.0 since often their knowledge on business fundamentals and the implementation stages of this process is limited.

Reflecting on this, one of the European Commission’s priorities for the period 2019-2024 is „A Europe fit for the digital age“, meaning that the Commission is taking a number of steps to facilitate the implementation of the EU’s digital strategy in order to transform the way of work for people and businesses, making this Europe’s „Digital Decade“.

One of project DTAM’s goals is to leverage Industry 4.0 technologies such as Big Data and Machine Learning to aid workers and students in their Advanced manufacturing career.  Stay tuned to learn more about that in the coming months.

#DTAMproject #upskillingyourfuture #Industry40 #AdvancedManufacturing

Featured image credit: Designed by vectorpouch / Freepik

DTAM project and the Pact for Skills Initiative

Xabier Ugarte, from Politeknika Txorierri, was invited as a speaker to the Digital education & training – Youth at the heart of the social economy conference organised by the Pact for Skills initiative on January 28th.

The ‘Digital Road to Mannheim’ (#Roadmap) consists of 8 fully digitized online events. Each roadmap event focusses on a specific topic and aims to connect different Social Economy actors in Europe in a highly interactive format, present best practices and use cases as well as provide first-hand insights in interactive sessions from change makers all around Europe. The #Roadmap strengthen the social economy in Europe and harness its contribution to economic development, social inclusion as well as green and digital transitions.

In her political guidelines, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the need to unlock the potential of digital technologies for learning and teaching and to develop digital skills for all. Education and training are key for personal fulfilment, social cohesion, economic growth and innovation.

The Digital Education Action Plan outlines the European Commission’s vision for high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe. With the RoadtoMannheim event on “Digital education & training – Youth at the heart of the social economy” there is a wish to strengthen cooperation at European level and to discuss how we can all learn from the COVID-19 crisis and make education and training systems fit for the digital age.

Xabier Ugarte was one of the guest speakers in the Pact for Skills Experts Roundtable where he shared Txorierri’s experience on how educators are facing the COVID issue when teaching/educating. Xabi also had the opportunity to share the information about DTAM project and the challenges it will be meeting by developing an Integral Training Curriculum for EU technicians to deploy and manage digital tools in Smart Manufacturing while promoting links between educators, SMEs and the labour market.

DTAM: A new European project to facilitate the digital transformation in advanced manufacturing

Digital Transformation in Advanced Manufacturing: An Integral Training Curriculum for EU technicians to deploy and manage digital tools in Smart Manufacturing or DTAM in short, is a three-year Sector Skills Alliances in VET project, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU.

The DTAM project comes in answer to an ever-increasing need for the upskilling and reskilling of technical workers and students in the EU to help improve their employability in a skills intensive fast evolving labour market i.e. advanced manufacturing (AM). The project will also address multiple other needs which have recently became even more evident because of developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. Among those needs are the (1) digital and technical skills mismatches in demand and supply of labour, (2) demand for sector-tailored industrial workers, (3) lack of recognized VET programs on the topic and a practical training through access to developed IoT (remote) labs and WBL and last but not least (4) the need for an updated training for low or under-skilled adult workers threatened by replacement or obsolescence due to technological advances.

Therefore, DTAM will deliver a new curriculum in digital transformation dedicated to the quality training of mid-high-level technicians in key enabling technologies for Advanced Manufacturing. The curriculum will help grow a workforce of technicians capable of understanding, installing, configuring, monitoring, analysing, transferring data and maintaining digital systems in advanced manufacturing environments and thus, meet a critical skills gap in EU Industry 4.0 while addressing partners’ regional RiS3s.

The project is set to achieve this through the following key activities:

  • DTAM teaching methodology and training program. The partnership will create a Digital Transformation Skills Index in the field of digital transformation, a training methodology and a training curriculum, including a dedicated Trainer’s manual.
  • Preparation of DTAM Training course. In this key project activity, learning materials will be developed together with a dedicated online learning platform and a tool for self-assessment of digital and transversal skills. Possible training topics are: digital skills, cybersecurity, transversal competencies, cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data. The training course will be available in 6 national languages: English, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Greek and Bulgarian.
  • Creating a DTAM IoT Hub. The idea behind this activity is based on the need to have a centre for sustainable cooperation for various stakeholders, including students and teachers, entrepreneurs and professionals developing IoT products and services, buyers from private organizations or public administration, and end users. Creating the DTAM IoT hub, will allow access to training content and materials to both national and international stakeholders.
  • Pilot testing. Prior to the official presentation of the DTAM training course, a pilot test will be conducted to validate the training methodology, the training curriculum and the training content.

Coordinator of the DTAM project is POLITEKNIKA IKASTEGIA TXORIERRI S.COOP (Spain) partnering with a total of 10 other organisations from 5 European countries:

Find out more about them in the Partners section of this website.

We invite you to take part in the project and get notified about its activities by subscribing for the official DTAM project newsletter here.

Should you have any queries related to the DTAM project, please feel free to reach us via the contact form.

You can also follow us on social media on Facebook or Twitter.

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