Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri is a Secondary and Vocational Education (both EQF levels 4 and 5) Cooperative Training Centre located in the Spanish Basque Region. Each year the centre provides education for over 400 full time students and 1000+ adult part time learners. Txorierri focuses on serving local Industry and is committed to the quality integral lifelong learning of its students. Evaluation is used as part of our ongoing Quality Improvement Plan. The centre provides education in: Environmental Control & Education, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Robotics, Sales and Commercial Management, Mechanical Design and Mechanical Production.
Website: https://politeknikatxorierri.eus/
SARENET has been recognized as one of the leading providers of internet solutions for businesses nationwide. The company specializes in offering integral and high quality services to companies. It provides a full range of services including high speed, high availability connectivity services, high end data center solutions with an extensive portfolio of hosting solutions, Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Voice over IP (VoIP), mobile solutions, security solutions and Industrial IoT. Due to the wide range of services, Sarenet is able to design solutions that address the Internet related needs of businesses.
Website: www.sarenet.es

GAIA is the Association of Knowledge and Applied Technologies Industries (ICTA) in the Basque Country, a private and professional non-profit organization, established in 1983. It is a regional Cluster that promotes Networking with key stakeholders within the Basque Region, currently made up of 285 companies that offer products and services in the field of electronics, information technology, consulting, engineering and telecommunications.GAIA’s mission is to boost the development and growth in the ICTA sector and to favor the assimilation and efficient usage of the technologies to the industry, territory, and society, with the aim of collaborating in the development of the Information and Knowledge Society.
Website: https://www.gaia.eus/
AFM Cluster is the organisation that represents the interests of Advanced Manufacturing in Spain. Comprised of four industrial associations, it groups together almost 500 companies, which employ more than 16,500 people and bill more than 3.0 billion Euros. AFM CLUSTER works to promote internationalisation, industrial development, strategic positioning and employee training in its associated companies.AFM CLUSTER provides service to the following associated and synergistic sectors: machine tool and advanced manufacturing technologies; additive manufacturing and 3D printing; manual tools, hardware and industrial supply; machining and metal-mechanical transformation.
Website: www.afmcluster.com

Da Vinci College offers vocational training programs in Economics, Engineering and Technology, Information Technology, Health Care and Social Services. The age of our students ranges from 16 – about 20 years old. Besides also a wide variety of contract programs is offered, as well as basic education for adults. We are aware of the fact that being a ROC we play an important role in society and also have a great responsibility to prepare students in an adequate way for their further participation in society. This implies that we continuously work on enhancing relationships with supplying schools, companies and institutions. We have to know what the labour market needs.Trying to respond to the needs of society & the labour market we think that international activities, like mobility for students and staff, will help to get prepared for work at the international labour market and to be an understanding and contributing citizen.
Website: www.davinci.nl
Founded in 1958 by Mons. Gianolio and promoted today by all the companies and stakeholders of the territory, APRO Formazione has always had the goal of training young people for the world of work and the professional up-skilling and re-skilling for workers, in response to the territory and the enterprises’ needs. APRO training sectors are industrial automation, metalworking, informatics, digital, tourism, catering, beauty and wellness, health, marketing, environment, safety, foreign languages. APRO cooperates with 1.500 companies, it employs 90 staff and 200 professionals and it trains more than 4.000 people per year.

IDEC is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of ICT solutions for both the private and public sectors. IDEC has extensive experience in European projects, either as coordinator or as a partner from different European programs and Initiatives. IDEC has consulting experience in developing quality management systems in Greek training centres and has been accredited as a lifelong learning center. The main areas of expertise are management consulting, quality management, certification, design of training contents based on ECVET, software and multimedia development, internet applications, distance learning, e-business, and e-commerce.
Website: https://idec.gr/
Atlantis Engineering is a Greek ICT SME with products that support daily production activities in different factories with simple and advanced manufacturing systems, customized maintenance consulting and training, and asset life cycle optimization. The company has considerable experience in vocational training projects, on-the-job training, work-based learning, workshop organisation and pilot testing while being experienced in on-the-job, problem based and e-learning methods for industrial manufacturing companies. The main area of application of their expertise is industrial manufacturing and maintenance.
Website: https://atlantis-engineering.com/

University of Patras is one of the leading higher education institutions and the third largest in Greece. Its success is built on a strong partnership with its students and academic staff and a clear focus on high performance, enhancing University of Patras’s position as a world-class university with a strong academic reputation and a commitment to excellence. It comprises of 7 Schools with 35 Departments and 180 labs in total. It currently employs 693 Faculty members, 232 Scientific staff members, 368 Administrative staff members, and 2,742 Researchers. Moreover, it currently has 30,185 Undergraduate students, 1,704 Postgraduate students, and 2,051 Ph.D. students.
Website : www.upatras.gr/en
Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) is located in Ruse, Bulgaria. It dates back to the 1890s and is the first of its kind for Bulgaria. Today, RCCI is an NGO for the public benefit, which provides a wide range of modern business services to both member and non-member companies. RCCI invests in the knowledge economy and works toward improving the regional business environment, stimulating socio-economic development and entrepreneurship through local and international initiatives.
Website: www.rcci.bg

BasquegameLAB is the Industrial Videogame Laboratory, located in Bilbao, an initiative based on public and private collaboration, promoted by Basquegame-the Basque association of companies in the video game sector. This laboratory or collaborative workspace is an “ecosystem” through which any company/entity/person can access to the latest knowledge, experiences and technologies to test and experience those “digital innovations” relevant to their products, processes or business models. In addition, a laboratory provides other services such as; helping to connect users and suppliers of digital innovations throughout the value chain, training future professionals, etc. Euskadi is already a reference with the basquegameLAB initiative, the laboratory of the video game industry, and aims to lead a network of GAMELAB centers internationally.