It’s not a secret that as the number of connected devices in factories grow, the companies are exposed to greater risks. And if this were not enough, there devices usually have different operating sustems, some already outdated and without support. What can you do to prevent a cyber attack from stopping production?
A containment plan is very important for companies that want to mitigate the risks of an attack on their machines. In order to do this, segmenting and organisizing the network is vital. To accomplish this task our partners at Saranet follow regulations such as IEC62443. It is also crucial to have a backup restoration service that speeds up the recovery of the factory in the case of a hypothetical cyber attack.
Here are some of the benefits of having a containment plan:
- Enables dynamic segmentation
- Prevents an IP threat from spreading through the comapny’s networks
- Avoids uncontrolled access
- Enables data traffic analysis
- Improves the management of the network
The organization of the connected devices in the factory must include the separation of these in “islands” that do not communicate with each other, but with a central device. It is also key to install transition equipment between the IT and OT networks in the DMZ area, as well as installing firewalls.
How can you mitigate the risks of machine access?
Although it is still common to access the devices locally, usually using a display integrated in the machines itself, it is increasingly common to do so remotely. In both cases it’s very important to track these connections because they access the core of the business. In the first case, it is also important to to have a cybersecurity-aware staff. People can be the weakest link the chain!
When a company accepts a remote action request, the uses accesses the corporate network via the perimeter firewall, so the right to access is guaranteed through a protected communication.
Allowing a direct connection between the corporate network and the industrial netowrk or between them and the internet, is against any good practice.
The following actions should be added to the network segmentation:
- Strong authentication strategies
- Secure password policy
- Proper user namangement and permissions
The DTAM project will create a modern training curriculum addressing advanced manufacturing topics like Cybersecurity, Big data and Transversal skills. Stay tuned to learn more!
Learn more about Saranet by visiting their official website at
Featured image credit: Clouds vector created by vectorjuice –
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